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whats new on chobots

Image and video hosting by TinyPic . ..............................................................................................Music video contest to star in ChollyWood!:)

Saturday 30 June 2012

Ashely is back!


Today i saw Ashely the support.

But she isn't a support no she got DE-SUPPORTED xD :/

But now she is an agent and she want to come more online :)

That was it from me for today :)

enjoy chobots


Sunday 17 June 2012

Contest Weekend!

Hey Cho!

We have 3 Contest this weekend all games in classroom you can play.

Here Picture :)

 Good Luck :) and don't cheat please :)

Thursday 14 June 2012

come on!

Heey visitors,

Come on Choproff and chopix are here lets Play!

You haven't a lot of time chopix and choproff gone on 19.6.2012 also in 5 days :// 




Have fun 


Sunday 3 June 2012

new citizenship items :))

Heey Chobots,

The new Citizenship items are here!

If you buy 1 Month you get a scuba suit

If you Buy 6 Month you get a bee suit AND BONUS A CHOPIX SUIT!!

The new Items are Awsome what do you think ??
Write it in Comment.
