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whats new on chobots

Image and video hosting by TinyPic . ..............................................................................................Music video contest to star in ChollyWood!:)

Friday 25 May 2012

Updates :)


There are some cool updates in Chobots watch pic's :) :


Thursday 17 May 2012

Free citizenship :)


Sry for long time not posting but i was 2 week in the holiday's and i was busy to post but now im here with good news :)

Yesterday Zoo made a contest with questions and 

The first winner get 4 days citizenship
The second winner 3 days citizenship
The 3rd winner get 2000 bugs
The 4rd winner get 1000 bugs

and i won i was the first i won 4 days Citizenship

Here pics:

But i buyed 3 month and 6 month citizenship befor don't panik xD !
